
GGOS 新 YouTube ビデオ:地球基準座標系



GGOS YouTube チャンネル:https://www.youtube.com/@iag-ggos

GGOS ウェブサイト:https://ggos.org/

GGOS Japan ウェブサイト:https://ggos.org/about/org/affiliates/ggos-japan/

GGOS Japan 座長退任と月刊測量寄稿

2024年3月11日に開催された GGOS Japan 年次会合にて,大坪は8年間務めた GGOS Japan 座長から退き,後任の座長は幹事であった宮原さん(国土地理院),幹事は横田さん(東京大学)にお願いすることになりました.

時をほぼ同じくして,日本測量協会の月刊「測量」に,GGOS Japan に関するテクニカルレポートを執筆しまして,2024年3月号に掲載されています.


Omni-SLR: First Success of Satellite Tracking


On 22 and 26 December 2023, on the rooftop of National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, we have successfully received echoes from 4 low-orbit passes using the Omni-SLR system, which is a new style of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) – very compact and drastically low-cost.  It is jointly developed by Hitotsubashi University, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and University of Tokyo.

  • Saral (O-C plots below) and Swarm-C on 22 December
  • Beacon-C  and Swarm-C on 26 December

We are thankful for those who have supported us, and we plan to continue the development.

Published: 6 million km Laser Ranging to Hayabusa 2

A paper led by Hirotomo Noda of National Astronomical Observatory is published on Advances in Space Research.  This was a very international project to measure the very long Earth-Hayabusa2 distance up to 6 million km using laser ranging technology.

H. Noda, et al., Demonstration of deep-space synchronous two-way laser ranging with a laser transponder aboard Hayabusa2, Advances in Space Research, 71, 10, 4196-4209, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.12.057, 2023.