2020年12月に行った「はやぶさ2」とのレーザリンク国際実験が成功し,2021年2月4日午後の JAXA 記者説明会には大坪が(出番少しですが)説明役としてオンライン参加しました.YouTube 動画もあります.
English page:http://www.hayabusa2.jaxa.jp/
2020年12月に行った「はやぶさ2」とのレーザリンク国際実験が成功し,2021年2月4日午後の JAXA 記者説明会には大坪が(出番少しですが)説明役としてオンライン参加しました.YouTube 動画もあります.
English page:http://www.hayabusa2.jaxa.jp/
An online event is being planned by ILRS. Visit https://cddis.nasa.gov/ILRS_Virtual_World_Tour_2020/index.html
and see you in November.
The banner graphic image was designed by one of the students here.
Kunming 2020->2021, Arequipa 2021-> 2022. https://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/news/index.html
This year’s JpGU meeting was converted to online, and today (12 July 2020) was the opening day. http://www.jpgu.org/meeting_j2020v/
Otsubo has a first-author “iPoster” titled “GGOS Japan’s roles and activities as a GGOS Affiliate” and a few more as a coauthor.
A paper led by Keiko Yamamoto of National Astronomical Observatory is published on Earth, Planets and Space. The orbits of Hayabusa2 spacecraft and the GM of Ryugu are investigated. Otsubo is involved in the key part of orbit analysis.
K. Yamamoto, T. Otsubo, et al., Dynamic precise orbit determination of Hayabusa2 using laser altimeter (LIDAR) and image tracking data sets, Earth, Planets and Space, 72:85, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-020-01213-2, 2020.
A paper written by Grzegorz Klopotek of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, in collaboration with Otsubo, is published on Journal of Geodesy. This is a challenging research seeking a possibility of VLBI technique for precise orbit determination of Earth orbiting satellites.
G. Klopotek, T. Hobiger, R. Haas, T. Otsubo, Geodetic VLBI for precise orbit determination of Earth satellites: a simulation study, Journal of Geodesy, 94:56, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-020-01381-9, 2020.
The paper describing how to optically detect small irregularity on the surface of a satellite is now published in Acta Astronautica. Available online 23 April 2020.
D. Kucharski, G. Kirchner, T. Otsubo, S. K. Flegel, H. Kunimori, M. K. Jah, F. Koidl, J. C. Bennett, M. Steindorfer, P. Wang, Quanta Photogrammetry of Experimental Geodetic Satellite for remote detection of micrometeoroid and orbital debris impacts, 174, 24-31, Acta Astronautica, 2020.
International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS; website) updates its system for the monthly reports evaluating performance of every ILRS station. See
where Hitotsubashi Orbital Analysis (based on our QC analysis) is being used in Table 2.
Long-awaited Special Issue on Satellite Laser Ranging is now completed and published on Journal of Geodesy. It is a good collection of 20 articles in total. Otsubo served as one of the guest editors and Otsubo’s first-author paper (accepted last year) is included.